The National Science Centre has announced the results of the OPUS 25 and PRELUDIUM 22 calls.

Among the applications submitted by the academics of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, the project of Prof. Mikhail Brik carried out as part of a consortium with the Włodzimierz Trzebiatowski Institute for Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences entitled Multiparametric database of phosphors containing Mn4+ ions for the development of time-resolved luminescence thermometry: a synergistic combination of experiment and theory based on machine learning" is to be funded.

The funds received for the implementation are PLN 1,828,780.

As many as six projects by JDU researchers have been qualified for funding within the seventh MINIATURA call for single research activities:

  • 1. dr Anna Jezuita (Faculty of Science & Technology, Department of Photoinduced Phenomena)

Project title: Elucidation of the mechanism of dye-ZnO electron transfer in photovoltaic cells by means of the substituent effect described by quantum chemistry models.

Project budget: 14,487 PLN

  • 2. dr inż. Anna Kułakowska (Faculty of Science & Technology, Department of Advanced Computational Methods)

Project title: Development of a technology for the production of corrosion-resistant martensitic steel for medical applications using the SPS method

Project budget: 38,500 PLN

  • 3. dr Tamara Kyrylych (Faculty of Science & Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)

Project title: Solving differential equations with non-integer order derivatives

Project budget: 15,433 PLN

  • 4. dr Barbara Pawłowska (Faculty of Science & Technology, Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Ecotoxicology)

Project title: Drugs and ionic liquids - a safe combination or a threat to the environment?

Project budget: 45,274 PLN

  • 5. dr inż. Anna Żyłka (Faculty of Science & Technology, Department of Advanced Computational Methods)

Project title: Studies of the fluidization process under low pressure conditions

Project budget: 27,500 PLN

  • 6. dr Błażej Cieślik (Wladyslaw Bieganski Collegium Medicum, Institute of Physical Culture)

Project title: The use of the exoskeleton in the rehabilitation of patients with incomplete spinal cord injury

Project budget: 25,075 PLN