​Partners of COLOURS Alliance meet in Czestochowa

Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa is hosting the Partners implementing the COLOURS project together with our University. The opening ceremony took place on November 13, 2023 in the "Auditorium Maximum". The participants of the meeting were welcomed by: prof. dr Anna Wypych-Gawrońska, Rector of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, prof. dr Janusz Kapuśniak, Vice-Rector for Research & International Relations of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa and the initiator of the JDU's accession to the consortium and the chairman of the team of University staff members preparing the application for EU status, Stefan Schwan, Head of the International Relations Office of Paderborn University (project leader, Germany), prof. dr Jerzy Buzek, Member of the European Parliament, former President of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland and Piotr Grzybowski, Deputy Mayor of Częstochowa.

- The COLOURS project is of great importance for the whole Europe, which strives for innovation and transformation in many areas – says prof. dr Jerzy Buzek. - By acting together, universities can contribute to the development and implementation of innovative solutions.

- I am extremely glad that we have been able to start the project and obtain the honourable status of the European University, - emphasizes prof. dr Anna Wypych-Gawrońska, Rector of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa. - This is an opportunity for the University, but also a development of cooperation between our partners from Częstochowa and from the cities and regions represented by our foreign partners. We hope that we will be able to create permanent bonds of cooperation that will pay off in the years to come.

- This is a great opportunity to internationalise our University and make it even more open to Europe, - explains prof. dr Janusz Kapuśniak. - We hope that the COLOURS project and the status of the European University will have an influence on this process and will have a lasting impact on the exchange of students and staff. We hope that the project will allow us together with our partners to develop innovative solutions, which will be implemented in many areas of business.

The partner meeting at the University of Częstochowa is aimed at organising plenary sessions and workshops devoted to individual Work Packages. Further organisational and substantive issues related to the establishment of a joint European University will be discussed.

COLOURS, i.e. COLlaborative innOvative sUstainable Regional univerSities, is an alliance of nine universities from EU countries, whose common feature is a strong commitment to the development of the regions, which, apart from Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, includes: Paderborn University (Germany) - leader, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), University of Ferrara (Italy), Le Mans University (France), Kristianstad University (Sweden), Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek (Croatia), University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola (Macedonia), Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (Latvia). Learn more

The project will start in January 2024.
