Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa announces a competition for the University Anthem. The competition is open; it is addressed to all those who have the knowledge of the University and can express it with words and melody. The anthem, which will strengthen the sense of community and belonging, will be presented during the most important university celebrations and events.

Only previously unpublished and unawarded texts and accompanying music can take part in the competition. Competition projects can be created individually and/or in groups.

Competition works should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the required statements and signed with the signature: „Konkurs na Hymn Uczelni” ("Competition for the University Anthem") to the JDU Main Office (Waszyngtona 4/8). The organisers are waiting for applications until October 16, 2023 at 12.00.

Competition Rules (PL)

Appendix 1 to the Competition Rules (PL)

Appendix 2 to the Competition Rules (PL)