On October 18, in the Auditorium Maximum, a meeting of the Rector and Chancellor Authorities of Jan Dlugosz University with the University employees was held. The main topic of the meeting was the activities planned at the University for the year 2023/2024, in particular the objectives of the European University COLOURS project, which will be implemented by the JDU community in the years 2024-2027.

The JDU European University COLOURS project team, chaired by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Prof. Janusz Kapuśniak, presented the structure and action plans of the Alliance. The agenda of the meeting consisted of the following parts:

Introduction to the project by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations

What are "European Universities"?

The COLOURS project in numbers

The Alliance's vision and key objectives

Implementation of the project in practice – during which all Work packages were discussed, i.e. packages within which international project teams will cooperate

The Alliance's plans for the coming months, including the organisation of a meeting of the entire consortium in Częstochowa in November this year, discussion

The persons responsible for the presentation of individual Work Packages were the employees of the University: WP1 Consortium management and decision-making – Bartłomiej Kowalik, MA (Department for Research and International Relations), WP2/7 Cooperation without barriers – dr Rafał Głębocki (Faculty of Science and Technology), WP3/8 Open education and challenge-based education – dr Olga Binczyk (Faculty of Humanities), WP4/9 Research and innovation based on regional challenges – prof. Marcin Sosnowski (Faculty of Science and Technology), WP5/10 Equality, diversity and inclusion – prof. Joanna Górna, (Faculty of Social Sciences), WP6/11 Communication, dissemination of information and increasing visibility – Illia Kulchikovskyi, MA (Department for Research and International Relations).
