The Minister of Science and Higher Education Wojciech Murdzek was hosted at our University by our Rector Professor Anna Wypych-Gawrońska, the Vice-Rectors and the chancellor's authorities on July 9, 2020.

- I came to Częstochowa to get to know the University - get acquainted with its achievements, but also the needs and directions of its development – explains Minister Murdzek. – From the ministry level, it is important to listen to the voices of the University's staff, because this not only facilitates dialogue, but allows for better cooperation and response to the demand from academia in the preparation of higher education legislation or, for example, in the preparation of competitions aimed at stimulating the activity of academics and students.

During the meeting, the Minister announced, among other things, the launch of a project supporting students – affiliated with scientific circles and organisations. They will be able to participate in competitions aimed at fostering innovation and developing entrepreneurship among young people during the course of their studies. According to the Minister, this is intended to launch start-ups and generate new workplaces.

During the visit, issues related to current research, teaching achievements and development plans of the University were addressed, including plans for R&D activities, such as laboratories and R&D centres.

- I presented to the Minister the objectives for the development of the University in the coming years – says Professor Anna Wypych-Gawrońska – concerning, among other things, health sciences, the second cycle degree programme in nursing and the medical field that the University is seeking to launch. We talked about the development of the University's infrastructure, a new building and a research and development centre, all these initiatives that come to fruition thanks to awarded grants to projects of environmental research and food research laboratories. Together with the representatives of the University, we familiarised the Minister with the achievements of the University, especially ongoing research projects in which the University takes on the leading role cooperating with other universities, scientific units and entrepreneurs, with prestigious teaching / educational projects.

The academics emphasize that they count on the help of the Minister and the Ministry in the implementation of the objectives for building a strong academic centre in Częstochowa.